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Why Is My Scraping Code Not Copying A Table From A Webpage?

I am trying to copy a table from a webpage. I tried: library(XML) url <- '' t

Solution 1:

The table is not on the page source. An alternative solution is using XMLHttpRequests (XHR)


tbl <- fromJSON("")
tbl <- tbl$settlements

PS: For other date, change date part at the URL (03/26/2020)



#     month    open     high      low     last  change  settle  volume openInterest# 1  APR 20 1.08900 1.10640B  1.08870 1.10440A +.01750 1.10520     282        4,215# 2  MAY 20 1.09165 1.10775B  1.09045 1.10620A +.01715 1.10675     651        2,627# 3  JUN 20 1.09230  1.10960  1.09090  1.10685 +.01715 1.10800 205,562      548,213# 4  JLY 20 1.10650 1.11015B 1.10605A 1.10830A +.01710 1.10905       2            2# 5  SEP 20 1.09625  1.11265  1.09435 1.11020A +.01710 1.11120     939        3,646# 6  DEC 20 1.10645 1.11480B 1.10315A 1.11310A +.01725 1.11390      48        2,047# 7  MAR 21 1.11000 1.11620B 1.10850A 1.11620B +.01725 1.11695       3          240# 8  JUN 21       - 1.11680B        - 1.11680B +.01740 1.11960       0          144# 9  SEP 21       -        -        -        - +.01745 1.12210       0            1# 10 DEC 21       -        -        -        - +.01755 1.12460       0            3# 11 MAR 22       -        -        -        - +.01770 1.12715       0            0# 12 JUN 22       -        -        -        - +.01785 1.12985       0            0# 13 SEP 22       -        -        -        - +.01805 1.13280       0            0# 14 DEC 22       -        -        -        - +.01830 1.13560       0            0# 15 MAR 23       -        -        -        - +.01845 1.13815       0            0# 16 JUN 23       -        -        -        - +.01865 1.14110       0            0# 17 SEP 23       -        -        -        - +.01885 1.14385       0            0# 18 DEC 23       -        -        -        - +.01905 1.14660       0            0# 19 MAR 24       -        -        -        - +.01925 1.14935       0            0# 20 JUN 24       -        -        -        - +.01945 1.15215       0            0# 21 SEP 24       -        -        -        - +.01965 1.15490       0            0# 22 DEC 24       -        -        -        - +.01985 1.15765       0            0# 23 MAR 25       -        -        -        - +.02005 1.16040       0            0# 24  Total                                                    207,487      561,138

Edit: to scrape option page

ulr <- ""
jsonlist <- fromJSON("")

put and call columns are in separate dataframe

df_put <- jsonlist$optionContractQuotes$put
df_call <- jsonlist$optionContractQuotes$call

Follow this link to find appropriate XHR url

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