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Selecting Adjacent Sibling Without Intervening Text Nodes

Due to a sad situation I receive HTML like this:

Perform the following commands: > cd /foo> adb shell<

Solution 1:

This works:

$('code').each(function() {
    var prev = this.previousSibling;
    var next = this.nextSibling;
    if ((prev && prev.tagName === 'CODE') ||
        (next && next.tagName === 'CODE')) {

Then in your CSS use the .block selector to add display: block and any other desired styles to the matched elements.

demo at

It would be pretty easy to code this as pure Javascript if you don't already have jQuery loaded - jQuery just happens to make adding the class easier than pure JS if you should have other class names already on those elements.

Solution 2:

While I see that you've already accepted an answer, I thought I'd offer this as an alternative:

        if (this.previousSibling == this.previousElementSibling){
        else {

JS Fiddle demo.

This will, of course, only run on those browsers that implement previousElementSibling (but I think the majority of browsers that implement the CSS pseudo-elements do implement this feature).

And, in pure vanilla JavaScript:

var codes = document.getElementsByTagName('code');

for (var i=0, len=codes.length; i<len; i++){
    var cur = codes[i];
    codes[i].className = cur.previousSibling == cur.previousElementSibling ? 'block' : 'inline';

JS Fiddle demo.

And because I prefer a slightly tidier approach to adding classes (as opposed to explicitly adding a space-character before the new class I'm adding) there's this approach as well:

    if (!elem) {
    else {
        var curClass = elem.className;
        if (curClass.length){
            return curClass + ' ' + newClass;
        else {
            return newClass;

var codes = document.getElementsByTagName('code');

for (var i=0, len=codes.length; i<len; i++){
    var cur = codes[i];
    codes[i].className = cur.previousSibling == cur.previousElementSibling ? addClass(cur,'block') : addClass(cur,'inline');

JS Fiddle demo.

Edited in response to the comments raised by Alnitak (the second of which I'd realised as I went to make myself a cup of tea, the first I hadn't considered at all):

var codes = document.getElementsByTagName('code');

for (var i=0, len=codes.length; i<len; i++){
    var cur = codes[i];
    codes[i].className = cur.previousSibling == codes[i-1] || cur.nextSibling == codes[i+1]? addClass(cur,'block') : addClass(cur,'inline');

JS Fiddle demo


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