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Ember Js - Jquery Hover Effects Stop Working After Element Is Hidden And Redisplayed By Ember {{/if}} Conditional

I want my jquery function to still work even after the element with the function is hidden and reshown using {{#if}} conditionals. Below is the function that ceases to work. App.Re

Solution 1:

Try to attach the handlers above the {{if}} blocks, at the level of the view element itself.

App.RecordCategoriesView = Ember.View.extend({
   didInsertElement: function() {
    this.$().on("mouseover", ".isPublic", function () {
      $(this).attr({src: "images/makePublic-blue.png"});

Solution 2:

I don't have enough jujubes to comment above, but here is panta82's answer expanded and in coffeescript (for those looking for the same answer, but in coffeescript like I was)

RecordCategoriesView = Ember.View.extend
    didInsertElement: ->
        @$().on "mouseover", ".isPublic", ->
            $(".isPublic").attr "src", "images/makePublic-blue.png"@$().on "mouseout", ".isPublic", ->
            $(".isPublic").attr "src", "images/makePublic-grey.png"@$().on "mouseover", ".isPrivate", ->
            $(".isPrivate").attr "src", "images/makePrivate-blue.png"@$().on "mouseout", ".isPrivate", ->
            $(".isPrivate").attr "src", "images/makePrivate-grey.png"

Solution 3:

The onDidInsertElement hook only fires when the view element is inserted (the topmost element). When an if expression is re-rendered, it's not fired. And in your case, the elements in the if block are deleted from the DOM and re-added to it when necessary. So the reason it's not working after being re-displayed is because the current DOM element is no longer the DOM element that you called the jQuery function on.

There's several workarounds, but what I would do is have the didInsertElement function observe the isPublic property. Also, make sure to use to ensure the DOM elements actually exist and are ready when the function runs. I use the code below in my codebase:

jqueryEvents: function() { {
        this.$('.isPublic').on('mouseover', function() { ... });

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