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How To Use The
tag In Email Content?

$to = '' ; $subject = 'Instant estimate message'; $message ='Name: '.$name.'\r\n'.'Email: '.$email.'\r\n'.'

Solution 1:

The problem is your <br /> tag. Be careful where to put the slash. Not before br but after it. Rikesh told you the correct way!

Solution 2:

use <br/> tag instead of "\r\n". I think it may help you.

Solution 3:

Use <br/> tag,

$message =  "<b>Name: </b> $name <br/>".
            "<b>Email: </b> $email <br/>".
            "<b>Mobile: </b> $mobile <br/>".
            "<b>Message: </b> $message1";

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tag In Email Content?"