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Animating Frame Resizing

Is it possible to animate the re-sizing of a frame in html? I have a webpage where there a are two frames horizontally stacked (say 500px, remaining). Upon click of a 'minimize' im

Solution 1:

If you are seeking to animate inner frames then I would go with Dr Molle's answer. If, however you are seeking to animate a frameset, you will have to do it manually. The example below illustrates. To examine it, you 'd better use a local web server to avoid problems with cross - domain restrictions (at least in Chrome, haven't tested it anywhere else...).


        frame 1
        <br /><ahref='#'class='minimize'>Minimize</a><scripttype="text/javascript"src=""></script><scripttype='text/javascript'>
            $(function () { 
                $('.minimize').click(function (evt) {


<html><body>frame 2</body></html>


            $(function () { 
                var minimizeInterval = null;
                var current = 500;
                var pace = 15;
                var stop = 100;

                window.minimize = function () {
                    minimizeInterval = setInterval(function () {
                        $('frameset').attr('cols', current + ',*');
                        current -= pace;
                        if (current < stop) 
                    }, 10);

Solution 2:

Use jQuery's animate:


Solution 3:

Yes, you can animate most css properties.

Here's a sample : when you click on the left frame the right one is animated and reduces in size.

This is done using :

        height: '50px'
    }, 5000);

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