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Why Insertbefore, On This Scenario, Delete My Element?

Code : HTML
jQuery var ImmagineDrag=$(

Solution 1:

If you just want to swap items 2 and 3, you may do this :


There is no reason here to be more complex. If you'd wanted to swap items 1 and 3, you could do


You just put the item where you want it to be.


I made this function which swaps 2 elements that are childs of the same element (we could generalize but this would need more tests : last child, only child, etc.) :

functionswap($a, $b) { // a and b are (different) $jquery elementsif ($b.index()<$a.index()) {
       var t = $a;
       $a = $b; $b = t;        
    if ($b.index()==$a.index()+1) {
    } else {
        var$c = $;

It can be tested here :

Solution 2:

ImmagineDrop.insertBefore($('.try').eq(swap1)); At this time, $('.try').eq(swap1) is ImmagineDrop itself.

So it is same with ImmagineDrop.insertBefore(ImmagineDrop);.

When you insert an element before the element itself, it will cause it be detached from the document.

Solution 3:

Here is the why :

var ImmagineDrag=$('#try3');
var ImmagineDrop=$('#try2');

var swap1 = ImmagineDrag.index();
var swap2 = ImmagineDrop.index();
//at this point:
//  swap1 contains the value: 2
//  swap2 contains the value: 1

// $('.try').eq(swap2)  selects  $('#try2')
// now $('#try3') has been inserted before '#try2'
// the order is now: try1, try3, try2

// the order of the nodes have changed :
//    swap1 is still 2,
//    so $('.try').eq(swap1) selects the third element
//    which is now '#try2'
// this action tries to insert '#try2' before itself !
// hence your problem...

As to how to fix it : you could use a placeholder

function swap(node1, node2){ //2 nodes
     $placeHolder = $('<span>').insertBefore(node1);

but be aware that such a function does not work correctly if node1 == node2, or if node1 is a descendant of node2.

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