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Show Or Hide The Element Based On The User Input

I want to show or hide the tab(Tab3) based on the URL. Demo: example) when user logs into application, the firs

Solution 1:

You should use RouteProvider and routeParams.

For example

$routeProvider.when('/yourView/:param1/:param2', {

Now get the values of params given in the URL by injectingn$routeParams in your controller as

.controller('yourController', ['$scope','$routeParams', function($scope, 
   $routeParams) {
        $scope.param1 = $routeParams.param1; // just as an example to model this in viewvar param2 = $routeParams.param2; //change here from param1 to 

Next is simple. Simply show/hide tabs based on the values.

For example

    <div id='tab1'>Tab1</div>
    <div id='tab2'>Tab2</div>
    <div id='tab3' ng-show='{{param1 =='testValue'}}'>Tab3</div>

Solution 2:

You need to use location provider in your JavaScript$location

const url = location.url();

and update your condition in your HTML ng-if="tabName === 'Tab3' || url === ''"

You are also have two ids of tab2 in your HTML, which you should fix and you are missing a col-sm-12div container in tab1

Solution 3:

For this you will need ui-router and set up routes so your /showAll would be different route and would resolve different parameters.

This would be your main route:

and this would take some parameter:

then in resolve of second you can check if showParameter is showAll and resolve whatever you want - i.e. expose some show/hide variable.

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