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How Can I Scrape A Table That Is Created With Javascript In C#

I am trying to get a table from the web page using HtmlAgilityPack. My code so far is WebClient webClient = new WebClient

Solution 1:

F12 is your friend in any browser.

Select the Network tab and you'll notice that all of the info is in this file :

(I suppose that the data for july 2018 will be held in a url named *.dd201807.xml)

Using C# you will need to do a GET for that URL and parse it as XML, no need to use HtmlAgilityPack. You will need to construct the current year concatenated with the current month to pick the right URL.

Leuker kan ik het niet maken!

Solution 2:

WebClient is an http client, not a web browser, so it won't execute JavaScript. What is need is a headless web browser. See this page for a list of headless web browsers. I have not tried any of them though, so I cannot give you a recommendation here:

Headless browser for C# (.NET)?

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