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Why Getchild() Method Of Jdom Returns Null?

I'm doing a project regarding html document manipulation. I want body content from existing html document to modify it into a new html.Now i'm using JDOM. i want to use body elemen

Solution 1:

I've found some problems in your code: 1) if you want to build a remote xml through the net, you should user another build method which receives an URL as input. Actually you're parsing the file with name "" as an xml.

DocumentjdomDocument= newURL(""));

2) if you want to parse an html page as xml, you have to check that it is a well formed xhtml document, otherwise you can't parse it as xml

3) as I've already said you in another answer, the root.getChild("body") returns root's child which name is "body", without namespace. You should check the namespace for the element that you're looking for; if it has a qualified namespace you have to pass it in this way:

root.getChild("body", Namespace.getNamespace("your_namespace_uri"));

To know which namespace has your element in an easy way, you should print out all root's children using getChildren method:

for (Object element : doc.getRootElement().getChildren()) {

If you're trying to parse an xhtml, probably you have namespace uri So you should do this:

root.getChild("body", Namespace.getNamespace(""));

Solution 2:

What makes you feel like you require org.ccil.cowan.tagsoup.Parser? What does it provide you that the parser built into the JDK does not?

I'd try it using another constructor for SAXBuilder. Use the parser built into the JDK and see if that helps.

Start by printing out the entire tree using XMLOutputter.

    outputter.output(document, System.out);  // do something w/ exception

Solution 3:

import org.jdom.Document;
import org.jdom.Element;
publicstaticvoidgetBody() {
SAXBuilderbuilder=newSAXBuilder("org.ccil.cowan.tagsoup.Parser", true);
Elementroot= jdomDocument.getRootElement();
      //It returns null
System.out.println(root.getChild("body", Namespace.getNamespace("my_name_space")));

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