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How To Dim An Image Keeping Transparency Untouched With Css Or Js?

Normal approach to dimming an image suggested everywhere is to change it's opacity attribute and display something dark under it. However, my image has transparency and is on white

Solution 1:

There is a relatively new CSS property filter which might achieve what you are after.

The brightness option seems to be what you are after.

EDIT - Added interim support for FF via URL

JSFiddle Demo (with brightness and contrast options)


img {
#one:hover {
    filter: url(#brightness); /* required for FF */filter:brightness(50%);
#two:hover {
     filter: url(#contrast);

MDN on Filter

Support is non-IE see

FF support (at the time of writing) requires definition of an SVG filter

Brightness @ 50%

<svgheight="0"xmlns=""><filterid="brightness"><feComponentTransfer><feFuncRtype="linear"slope=".5" /><feFuncGtype="linear"slope=".5" /><feFuncBtype="linear"slope=".5" /></feComponentTransfer></filter></svg>

Contrast @ 200%

<svgheight="0"xmlns=""><filterid="contrast"><feComponentTransfer><feFuncRtype="linear"slope="2"intercept="-(0.5 * 2) + 0.5" /><feFuncGtype="linear"slope="2"intercept="-(0.5 * 2) + 0.5" /><feFuncBtype="linear"slope="2"intercept="-(0.5 * 2) + 0.5" /></feComponentTransfer></filter></svg>

Solution 2:

If you want to use javascript instead of css, it's not especially difficult to do this with the HTML canvas. You simply hand the canvas an image object and then grab the context which will allow you to loop through and manipulate the individual color channels. Of course it breaks completely with no JS.

function darkenImage(imageObj, percentage) {
    var canvas = document.getElementById('aCanvas');
    var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
    var x =0;
    var y =0;

    context.drawImage(imageObj, x, y);

    var imageData = context.getImageData(x, y, imageObj.width, imageObj.height);
    vardata =;

    for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i += 4) {
       // reddata[i] = percentage * data[i];
       // greendata[i + 1] = percentage * data[i + 1];
       // bluedata[i + 2] =  percentage * data[i + 2] ;

    // overwrite original image
    context.putImageData(imageData, x, y);
var anImage = new Image();
anImage.onload = function() {
    darkenImage(this, .5);
anImage.crossOrigin = ''
anImage.src = '';

This is a naive calculation to make it easy, but as you can see it wouldn't be hard to alter it to something a little fancier. Since we don't touch the alpha channel, the transparency remains untouched.

Here's a fiddle: (the browser complains about the cross origin image at least in safari which is why the second to last line is there.)

Solution 3:

Another way to do this would be by using new CSS mask property (currently fully supported only by webkit) on the div with the darkening.

.dim {
  display: none;
  /*Also position it above the image*/

.dim:hover {
 background-color: black;
 opacity: 0.5;
 -webkit-mask: url(image.png) top left / cover;

Solution 4:

Have you thought of instead of changing the opacity of the image, say putting a div on top of the image with the same size as the image, opacity of 0.3 and a background color of black.

This may not be what you are looking for though its food for thought.


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