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How To Change All Classname Elements Of Specific Classname

How to change all classname elements of specific classname? I mean, let's say I have 3 divs with classes 'MyClass', and i want to change their classnames to 'notMyClass' in JavaScr

Solution 1:

Select all elements with the MyClass class with querySelectorAll, then loop through each element (with NodeList.forEach) and use classList.replace:

document.querySelectorAll('.MyClass').forEach(e => e.classList.replace('MyClass', 'notMyClass'))

Solution 2:

Use querySelectorAll method:

Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.MyClass')).forEach(elem => {
  elem.className = 'otherClass';

Note that I used Array.from, because querySelectorAll returns a NodeList, not an array.

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