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Showing/hiding Div

I am using ajax control toolkit 1.0 on vs 2005. I am using the collapseablePanel and AlwaysVisibleControlExtender control. When I use these, I notice that it my panel flash

Solution 1:

You are trying to show it by setting the visibility but you hid it using display.

You actually want something like this:

document.getElementbyId('menuContent').style.display = 'block';

Solution 2:

Maybe this is what you're looking for

Javascript function:

    var layer = document.getElementById(descriptor);
    if (layer != null) {
        if ( != 'none') {
   = 'none'; //hide layer              
        } else {
   = 'block';//show layer


<ahref="javascript:showHide('divInfo');"><imgid="imgInfo"src="info.gif"border="0" /></a><divstyle="display: none;"id="divInfo">some info</div>

Solution 3:

Basically had to use Visibility hidden and visible attributes as these work best on a collapsePanel

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