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How To Add A Hypertext Link With Scrolling To A Specific Point On That New Page?

I added a button on my HTML-Page, when clicking on it i get to a new URL (It's like a Hypertext Link 'behind' the button) and wanted to know how could I make it so, that the new op

Solution 1:

Add #id_of_the_element you wish to link to to the end of the URI.

Solution 2:

I imagine this would work.


Where ID is the ID of the element you want to scroll to.

Solution 3:

Just add an anchor to it and it should work. On your javascript change the location to

and in the page define the anchor as

<a id="somesectionname">Some Section</a>


Solution 4:

Use HTML anchor tag On your button put something like

<ahref="">Link Text</a>

On the other page place <a name="anchor"></a> around the element of the page that you want to jump to

Solution 5:

Just add the id of the element you wish to scroll to to the end of the URL.

For example Will's answer has an id of '#answer-16965883` so the URL is:

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