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Check Season Of Year In Php

I want to print a different image every season of the year. Based on a date from my database. I want to print it in php/html5. Found some things on the internet but none of them wo

Solution 1:

Just need to format the values o match yours

$someDay = "2018-12-01";

$spring = (new DateTime('March 20'))->format("Y-m-d");
$summer = (new DateTime('June 20'))->format("Y-m-d");
$fall = (new DateTime('September 22'))->format("Y-m-d");
$winter = (new DateTime('December 21'))->format("Y-m-d");

switch(true) {
    case$someDay >= $spring && $someDay < $summer:
        echo'It\'s Spring!';

    case$someDay >= $summer && $someDay < $fall:
        echo'It\'s Summer!';

    case$someDay >= $fall && $someDay < $winter:
        echo'It\'s Fall!';

        echo'It must be Winter!';

Try it online!

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