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How To Restrict Max Value On Html5 Number Input On Manual Entry

Free jqgrid column is defined to use html5 number input type like { name: 'amount', width: 62, template: 'number', formatter: 'number', formatoptions: {decimalSeparato

Solution 1:

Try to use something like the following

    name: "amount",
    width: 62,
    template: "number", // formatter: "number"
    formatoptions: {
        decimalSeparator: ",",
        thousandsSeparator: " ",
        decimalPlaces: 2,
        defaultValue: "0,00"
    editoptions: {
        maxlength: 7,
        type: "number",
        max: "9999",
        dataEvents: [
                type: "blur",
                fn: function (e) {
                        if ( {
                        } else {


The above code calls checkValidity() method of <input type="number">. Of cause you need to include additional tests in the code like validation that is a function (for the case of executing in old web browser) and some other. The above code just shows the main idea of validation which uses functionality of <input type="number">.

See the demo, which works for both inline editing and form editing.

Solution 2:

Create validation on input with jQuery.

Event listeners are attached on edit click, and removed on save click. I used setTimeout, to be synchronized with free-jqgrid elements manipulation - as the proper solution will be to extend free-jqgrid functionality

function restrictMax(){

    var max = parseFloat($(this).attr('max'))
    var value = parseFloat($(this).val())
    if($(this).val() > max){
    $('.fa-pencil').click(function(){ //click on edit
        var thatParent = $(this).closest('tr')

    $('.fa-floppy-o').click(function(){ //click on save
        var thatParent = $(this).closest('tr')


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