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Showing posts from January, 2023

Autofocus With Keyboard In An Ipad Html5 Site

I'm working on an html5 app that will be used on iPads in a kiosk mode. The first thing users m… Read more Autofocus With Keyboard In An Ipad Html5 Site

How Do I Validate A Credit Card Expiry Date With Javascript?

I'm a complete Javascript beginner and I'm really stuck on my assignment. I have to get the… Read more How Do I Validate A Credit Card Expiry Date With Javascript?

Making Image Align Center Of Screen In Html

I am loading image on iOS device. I want my image to be centered horizontally as well vertically ce… Read more Making Image Align Center Of Screen In Html

Changing The Content Of Meta Refresh Does Not Change Refreshing Time

I have a meta http-equiv='refresh' inside the . Using Javascrip Solution 1: Th… Read more Changing The Content Of Meta Refresh Does Not Change Refreshing Time

IE10 - RTL Reversed - How To Fix?

Can't really understand the problem. For some reason - IE10 presents Hebrew in reversed order. … Read more IE10 - RTL Reversed - How To Fix?

Inline-box With Image Vertical-align:middle With Parent Box

Please run the demo: The point is that I set .body .img-wrapper { vertical-align:middle; } … Read more Inline-box With Image Vertical-align:middle With Parent Box

Python: Get Html Table Data By Xpath

I feel that extracting data from html tables is extremely difficult and requires custom build for e… Read more Python: Get Html Table Data By Xpath

Overriding Class Definitions With Less

I'm trying to customize a Joomla template, which is based on Bootstrap. Specifically, I'm t… Read more Overriding Class Definitions With Less

Responsive Navigation With Images

I am trying to make a responsive navigation with fixed position in bottom, every li have a differen… Read more Responsive Navigation With Images

AngularJS: Pass Parameter Between Controllers

What i am trying to do: I have a ListView (or rather an accordion) which contains several items (fo… Read more AngularJS: Pass Parameter Between Controllers

Ckeditor Not Loading On Element Generated Via Ajax Call?

I am using custom form and generating form elements with ajax call but textarea is not loaded with … Read more Ckeditor Not Loading On Element Generated Via Ajax Call?

Chrome Displaying Dom Elements In Strange Order, Then Fixed On Refresh

This must be a content problem, but so far I haven't found it - and it is new, it just started … Read more Chrome Displaying Dom Elements In Strange Order, Then Fixed On Refresh

Masonry Float:left & Max-width

Much Solution 1: The Masonry #container must be positioned relative, the .masonry-brick … Read more Masonry Float:left & Max-width

PHP:Simple Dom Parser Find Nth Element Class Exist

I am using the PHP Simple DOM Parser for parsing the HTML Page, Now i am lacking in particular poin… Read more PHP:Simple Dom Parser Find Nth Element Class Exist

How To Cut Shapes From A Layover (or Any Other Html Element)

First of all I know that this question has been asked before (3 years ago) here, but I couldn't… Read more How To Cut Shapes From A Layover (or Any Other Html Element)

Open Webpage Programmatically And Retrieve Its Html Contain As A String

I have a facebook account and I would like to extract my friend's photo and its personal detail… Read more Open Webpage Programmatically And Retrieve Its Html Contain As A String

Background Color On A Specific Area Of An Element

what I want to achieve is to put a hover effect on a position of a cursor.. something like this: ht… Read more Background Color On A Specific Area Of An Element

Chrome Html-video Invisible Start Playing Until I Scroll The Page

I have built a site trying to play a video as a big background image.The element is invisible until… Read more Chrome Html-video Invisible Start Playing Until I Scroll The Page

HTML Form Is Not Working With Javascript

Blockquote Hi i have this problem: My HTML page is working fine without form, but when i put the f… Read more HTML Form Is Not Working With Javascript

JQuery Ui Tabs Form Submit

I'm using tabs to navigate my web application. On each tab is separate file which contains form… Read more JQuery Ui Tabs Form Submit

HTML - Cache Control Max Age

I'ld like to present always the latest website content to the user but also have it fast loaded… Read more HTML - Cache Control Max Age

Creating A Png From A Part Of Html

I have a couple of input fields which will get populated by users. Additionally, I have a field tha… Read more Creating A Png From A Part Of Html

How To Get A Dynamic Dropdown With An ACF Relationship Field

My website lists courses and course providers. I'm using ACF relationship to assign the provide… Read more How To Get A Dynamic Dropdown With An ACF Relationship Field