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How To Fill Input Fields In Form With Data From Row In Html Table I Want To Edit

I have this HTML table with data from MySQL database and form for adding/editing rows in this table. If I add new row, everything works fine, but when I want to edit, I dont know h

Solution 1:

I was on the same page when I have started.

You should use

echo "<a href=\"edit.php?id=".$row['id']."\"><i class='glyphicon glyphicon-pencil' id=$id></i></a>

On edit.php you will use $_GET['id'] to get the id of clicked element.

Solution 2:

You need to tell you script whichrecord you want to edit.

Best way will be to add href to your edit anchor.

echo "<a href="/url/to/this/script?id=$id"><i class='glyphicon glyphicon-pencil' id=$id></i></a></td>

Now after refresh you can get id of record you want to edit by:

// this way provide some base security
$id = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'id', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);

// Now get record from database (only sample call - need to build prepare statement)
$record = $database->getRecordById($id);

// After that fill form with record data
<input type="text" name="name" placeholder="Jmeno" value="<?php $record->name ?>" required autofocus>

Solution 3:

I found a solution I was looking for. Advices from guys here are right as well in case it never mind you redirect from your site.

I wanted to do it dynamically with jQuery if it would be possible and I've found this solution which works for me perfect, so I share it here.

jQuery: Get the contents of a table row with a button click

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