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Showing posts from August, 2022

Div Layout With 3 Columns: Fixed - Liquid - Fixed

I'm trying to build a 3 column layout that has one fixed column on the left, a fluid column in … Read more Div Layout With 3 Columns: Fixed - Liquid - Fixed

Horizontal Scrolling UL With Buttons And "width:auto" Lists

As the title suggests, I am trying to create a horizontal scrollable with with width:auto and wit… Read more Horizontal Scrolling UL With Buttons And "width:auto" Lists

Hide Column/td Of The Table By Using Jquery

How can we hide the column of the table by using jquery < table > < tr > < td i… Read more Hide Column/td Of The Table By Using Jquery

Progress Bar Different Colors

how would you make progress bar in CSS that would have colours based on values etc. from 0% to 20% … Read more Progress Bar Different Colors

How To Check For A Device/browser That Fully Supports The Deviceorientation Event?

I have a HTML5 compass that works quite ok. Now I need a smart way to distinguish between 'pseu… Read more How To Check For A Device/browser That Fully Supports The Deviceorientation Event?

Angular 4 Output Complete HTML Syntax Code In HTML As Raw Text

I have scoured the possible answers and none of them work. All the innerHTML and PRE tag examples … Read more Angular 4 Output Complete HTML Syntax Code In HTML As Raw Text

Change Text On Mouse Over And Change Back On Mouse Out

I want to have a table that changes itself on mouse over and changes back to the original on mouse … Read more Change Text On Mouse Over And Change Back On Mouse Out

Prevent User-entered Scripts From Running In Webpage

In my application, there is a comment box. If someone enters a comment like then an alert appea… Read more Prevent User-entered Scripts From Running In Webpage

Vue Is Removing A Background-image In And With The Style Attribule

For some reason vue is removing both the style attribute and the background image. This tag Solut… Read more Vue Is Removing A Background-image In And With The Style Attribule

What's The Difference Between Class And Id In JQuery?

What is the difference between class and id in jQuery? For example: and Because one works good … Read more What's The Difference Between Class And Id In JQuery?

How Can I Scale Arbitrary Text To Always Fit The Viewport Width?

A site I'm busy working on has a section with some very large headings. There's something I… Read more How Can I Scale Arbitrary Text To Always Fit The Viewport Width?

C# Code That Run Constantly - Service Or Separate Thread?

I have a .NET 4 web application that has 3 separate projects associated – DAL, BAL, and UI. I am u… Read more C# Code That Run Constantly - Service Or Separate Thread?

Select2 Jquery Plugin In Popup?

I have two select tag implement select2 jquery plugin: select tag normal: working fine, can search… Read more Select2 Jquery Plugin In Popup?

How To Save Dynamically XML File From Server To A Local Machine?

Help me please. Where is my mistake ? I have many XML files on the IIS server. After click button l… Read more How To Save Dynamically XML File From Server To A Local Machine?

2 Different Owl Carousel Sliders On One Page With Different Width

I recently came across Owl Carousel. I tried using 2 sliders of different widths within a page. I a… Read more 2 Different Owl Carousel Sliders On One Page With Different Width

Error When Embed Image In Mail Using Yii2

I want to embed images in my mail body and I follow the documentation on… Read more Error When Embed Image In Mail Using Yii2

When Convert Canvas To Svg Need Only Cropped Content

I am using the HTML5 CANVAS with fabric js. Finally will be converted it into SVG.we can upload ima… Read more When Convert Canvas To Svg Need Only Cropped Content